"Perceived effectiveness of portfolio assessment for pre-first and firs" by Ursula M. Csercsevits

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Degree Name

M.A. in School Administration


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Doolittle, Gini


First grade (Education); Teachers--Rating of


Elementary and Middle and Secondary Education Administration


The purpose of this study is to discover the effects of portfolio assessment as perceived by pre-first and first grade teachers using community based action research. The outcome of this study is data that assists in evaluating the continued use of portfolio assessment as it exists, or determining the need for adjustment to the practice. The sample group consisted of forty-two pre-first and first grade teachers currently using portfolio assessment. Data collection of this action research study began with a questionnaire distributed to all members of the sample. The cycle of research continued with interviews, classroom observations and a review of student portfolios with a segment of the group. The data was classified to major characteristics of portfolio assessment systems as indicated by review of the literature.The data finds that the portfolio assessment system that is used in Pemberton Township is an effective assessment system that is based on standards, provides a checklist of proficiencies, documents individual learning by employing developmentally appropriate assessment activities, encourages student and teacher interaction and positively affects instructional planning.
