"Rowan University's Rowan 101 Transfer Seminar: impact on transfer stud" by Michele Applegate

Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. Higher Education


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Sisco, Burton R.

Committee Member 1

Walpole, Marybeth


higher education, seminar, transfer, transition


Transfer students--Services for--Evaluation


Higher Education


The primary purpose of this study was to explore the impact of the Rowan 101: College Success (Transfer Student Section) transfer seminar course offered to incoming transfers at Rowan University. The study explored students’ college preparedness, support, concerns, and attitudes towards Rowan University; experiences with diversity; college goals and outcomes; study strategies; work patterns and reasons for working; and self reports of the impact that the Rowan 101: College Success (Transfer Student Section) course had on them. A total population of 41 students from the fall semester’s courses were contacted to take the Transfer Student Survey and to participate in an interview. Results from the data analysis revealed that the students felt prepared for college, supported, and had positive attitudes towards Rowan University; however, students remain concerned with finances, course availability, and academic requirements. Students reported desiring opportunities for diverse experiences, as well as a well-rounded education. Students frequently used study strategies, especially attending class. Most students did not plan to work on campus but many had off campus jobs and their reasons for working were financially based. Interview data confirmed previous literature that the transfer seminar did aid in the students’ transition and created a sense of connection to the institution.
