"Elementary school use of interactive distance learning" by Linda Spano

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Degree Name

M.A. in School and Public Librarianship


Special Educational Services/Instruction


College of Education


Willett, Holly G.


Distance education; Elementary schools; Libraries and distance education


Library and Information Science


In an attempt to discover how distance learning (interactive videoconferencing) is being used in elementary schools, this study was designed to identify the enrichment and remedial applications of distance learning and assess its effectiveness as an instructional tool. Information was gathered using a questionnaire that consisted of 24 multiple choice and open-ended questions that was sent to 100 interactive distance learning coordinators in New Jersey, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania. Forty-seven coordinators responded to this survey, for a response rate of 47%. The majority (95.7%) of respondents rated interactive distance learning as a very effective or effective instructional tool. The most frequent enrichment applications for distance learning technology were virtual field trips, advanced level courses and sharing of projects among students in different schools. Remedial applications of distance learning technology included remedial instruction for math and homebound instruction. Distance learning coordinators reported that introducing students to new experiences, supplementing the school's curriculum, providing instruction in classes not offered, and student or staff training in technology were the most valuable aspects of distance learning.

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