"Promoting staff development at Midway School" by Noreen C. Glading-Hill

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Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. in School Administration


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Johnson, Theodore


Midway School (Lumberton, N.J.); Teachers--In-service training


Elementary and Middle and Secondary Education Administration


Midway School loses forty percent of its teaching staff on a yearly basis. The purpose of this study was to identify specific factors and their relationship to the absence of a professional development program. The study was designed to answer the questions of how professional development affects the attitudes and outlook of teachers, and was staff development the most effective way of achieving positive attitudes or enthusiasm for the teaching profession.

The researcher used six teachers from three distinct groups, all with at least ten years in the teaching profession. All six teachers had experienced either traditional or individual forms of staff development. The teachers were placed equally into three groups. Group 1 teachers had left the teaching profession due to job dissatisfaction. Group 2 comprised those who were teaching, but very dissatisfied with the profession. Group 3 teachers were teaching and satisfied with the profession.

Triangulation of previous research data, and interview data from the current study, led to the classification of Career Decision Circles. The CDCs represented individual beliefs, needs, decision-making processes and important life events to the informants. A staff development circle was added as a link between professional development programs leading to personal efficacy of teachers and individual readiness factors. The researcher concluded staff development was an appropriate vehicle to promote a positive attitude and enthusiasm among teachers, and individual readiness factors affected job satisfaction through interaction of professional development and personal life.
