"Career and technical education faculty retention: a leadership study" by Jennifer Bates


Jennifer Bates

Date Approved


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Document Type


Degree Name

Ed.D. Educational Leadership


Educational Leadership


College of Education


Damminger, Joanne


Employee retention; Vocational education--New Jersey


Elementary and Middle and Secondary Education Administration


Attracting and retaining qualified teachers is a necessary component for successful schools. Literature on faculty retention abounds (Ingersoll, 2001; Center for Comprehensive School Reform and Improvement, 2007; National Association of State Directors of Career and Technical Education Consortium, (NASDCTEc), 2010.), but literature specific to retention in career and technical education is limited. One New Jersey career and technical high school experienced high faculty mobility rates which was reason for concern. This qualitative action research study sought to identify environmental factors that contributed to the mobility rates. This study also focused on the leadership of the school principal and the components of leadership necessary to retain faculty. Findings revealed two reasons for faculty turnover, fear of job elimination and career change, however, these reasons cannot be generalized to the entire population of CTE faculty. The principal's leadership throughout this study resulted in a change in culture and improvements to the environment. These improvements to the culture were the result of open communication, allowing for teacher voice, and collaboration, all elements of caring leadership. These components, although not directly correlated with improved retention, did play a role in improving the environment of the school.
