"Parental involvement and its impact on student performance in the prim" by Charlene G. Bundy

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Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. in School Psychology


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Klanderman, John


Academic achievement; Education, Primary--Parent participation


Educational Psychology


The purpose of this study was to determine if parental involvement increased the school performance of students in the primary grades. Research shows that parents who are supportive, monitor their child's activities, help their child, and participate with their child's school positively impact their child's school performance. The independent variable was parental involvement and the dependent variable was school performance. The sample consisted of 20 students in first, second, and third grade. A parent questionnaire was completed by parents who also provided their child's school grades in math and reading. The questionnaire asked parents to rate the frequency that they exhibited certain behaviors as they related to their child. A point system was used to determine an acceptable level of parental involvement and school performance. A descriptive study was used to determine if a relationship existed between parental involvement and school performance.

The results of this study lend support to the hypothesis that parental involvement increases student performance in the primary grades. It was found that 67% of children whose parents were involved with them performed well in school. It was also discovered that most children whose parents were not involved received poorer grades in school.
