"Special educators and job satisfaction" by Joyce A. DeVito

Date Approved


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Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. in Special Education


Interdisciplinary and Inclusive Education


College of Education


Kuder, S. Jay


Special education teachers--Attitudes; Teachers--Job satisfaction


Special Education and Teaching


This study examined how specific variables affected job satisfaction among special educators at a special education school district. The variables examined were gender, student population, number of years teaching, number of years teaching a specific population, and age of students. It was hypothesized that female teachers and teachers who worked with emotionally disturbed students would express less job satisfaction than male teachers and teachers working with other special education populations. It was further hypothesized that the greater the number of years teaching and working with a specific population, the greater the expressed job satisfaction. In addition, it was thought that teachers working with elementary students would express greater job satisfaction than teachers working with middle school or high school age students.

An independent groups t test was performed on each of the conditions and no significant differences were found between job satisfaction and any of the five variables studied. A closer examination of the responses from all special educators revealed high job satisfaction in areas related to teaching as a profession and lower satisfaction scores in the areas of administrative support and recognition, having a meaningful reward system for teachers, and receiving adequate parental support.
