"The role of school psychologists regarding the implementation of the A" by John Kowalcyk


John Kowalcyk

Date Approved


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Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. School Psychology-Professional School Psychology


Special Educational Services/Instruction


College of Education


Allen, Terri


Bullying in schools--Law and legislation--New Jersey; School psychologists--New Jersey


Child Psychology | Student Counseling and Personnel Services


Current school psychologists in New Jersey were contacted in order to determine the attitudes, roles, and approaches of different school psychologists in relation to the new HIB (Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying) legislation for all New Jersey Public Schools. This study gauged school psychologists' level of involvement in implementing the new legislation and their overall roles with regard to maintaining a safe and positive school climate. The survey, which was sent via email to school psychologists across the state, asked questions about their perceived roles in schools, the time they spent on various obligations during the workday, their involvement with the implementation of the HIB legislation in their schools, and their interactions with other staff members, students, or parents regarding the HIB legislation. Overall, the findings suggest that the majority of New Jersey school psychologists were involved with the implementation of the HIB legislation at some level. The findings suggest that time limitations and pressures from administration are playing a part in guiding the school psychologist's perspective of his or her role with regard to HIB legislation. Ultimately, it seems as though these outside factors and the widening role of the school psychologist have impacted their abilities to be fully involved with legislation such as the HIB policy. As a result, the vital skill set that school psychologists bring to the school setting is perhaps not being utilized to its fullest potential because of time restrictions and other mediating factors.
