"Using Student Response System (SRS) to reduce off-task behavior of stu" by Mary Johnson


Mary Johnson

Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. Special Education


Language, Literacy, and Special Education


College of Education


Xin, Joy


Student response systems; Problem children--Behavior modification


Special Education and Teaching


The purpose of the present study was to examine the effect of clickers on decreasing off-task behavior of students with behavior problems in Language and math classes. A total of five students and one special education teacher in a self-contained classroom participated in the study. A single-subject research design with ABAB phases was used. An online program called "Class Dojo" was used to record study behavior with a chart immediately to show their on-task and off-task behavior. During the baseline, student behavior was recorded in both Language and math classes for 5 days. During the intervention phase, each participating student was provided a remote device called "clickers" linked with the white board to respond to questions by pressing a key on the device. Their answers would appear on the Interactive Whiteboard anonymously. The teacher corrected mistakes based on student responses and gave feedback. The use of the clicker was withdrawn after 5 days of intervention, then given back to students to use again following the same procedures in the previous intervention. The results showed that students' off-task behavior decreased and on-task behavior increased with the use of clickers. A follow up survey showed that students were satisfied with the clickers and preferred the clicker lessons over non-clicker lessons.
