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Degree Name

M.S. in Teaching


Interdisciplinary and Inclusive Education


College of Education


Robinson, Randall


Academic achievement; Reading (Elementary); School children--Attitudes


Elementary Education and Teaching


The purpose of this study was to determine if a correlation existed between reading attitudes and academic achievement of elementary school children in grades three, four, and five. Also, the researcher wanted to determine if variables such as gender or time in school affected the relationship between reading attitude and academic achievement.

The subjects consisted of seventy students from three intact classrooms. This study took place in a middle class suburban elementary school in southern New Jersey. Twenty-seven students were from third grade, twenty-one students were from fourth grade, and twenty-two students were from fifth grade, Thirty-eight females and thirty-two males participated in the study.

The reading attitudes of the subjects were assessed with the Educational Reading Attitude Survey (ERAS) developed by McKenna & Kear (see appendix A) This survey consisted of twenty questions dealing with recreational and academic reading. Each question had four standard pictorial figures for subjects to use as their answer. The academic achievement of the students was collected by obtaining the scores for each subject on the IOWA Test of Basic Skills, a standardized test taken by each student participating in the study.

The Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient was used to statistically analyze the data. Positive correlations between reading attitude and academic achievement were found to exist. The relationship between reading attitude and academic achievement was not significant when looking at the groups by gender. The findings also indicated a negative trend between reading attitude and achievement (academic, reading, and comprehension) exists as students progress through school.
