"The transformation of Baccalaureate Nursing curriculum: a multicultura" by Sharon Burke


Sharon Burke

Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

Ed.D. Educational Leadership


Educational Leadership


College of Education


Damminger, Joanne


Nurses--Education; Multicultural education


Other Educational Administration and Supervision


This action research study sought to address the need for multicultural awareness in nursing education. The purpose of this action research study was to improve baccalaureate nursing students' cultural competence and multicultural awareness through infusing multicultural awareness education in the JSN curriculum. Education sessions were implemented to increase multicultural awareness to improve nursing practice. This mixed method action research project was conducted during the 2009-2010 academic year. Data collection techniques included surveying nursing faculty, administrators and baccalaureate students in the Jefferson School of Nursing as well as conducting student focus groups. Descriptive statistics and thematic coding were used to analyze data collected during this study. This study had several major findings. Findings include that: students believe multicultural awareness education is valuable to them, the Jefferson School of Nursing (JSN) should do more to provide multicultural awareness education in the curriculum, students believe the best way to learn about culture is to listen to a member of the culture being taught, JSN students largely do not know where to find cultural resources in the practice setting, and bias exists toward breast-feeding mothers in the hospital practice setting. Identified barriers to implementing multicultural awareness were: lack of comfort, ignorance and prejudice, lack of time in the program, lack of willingness on the part of the learner or teacher, fear, and lack of diversity in nurse educators.
