"An investigation of the relationships between degree of brain dominanc" by Darlene Ann Gates

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Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. in Subject Matter Teaching: Art


Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math Education


College of Education


Levinowitz, Lili


Art--Study and teaching; Cerebral dominance; Cerebral hemispheres


Art Education


The purposes of this study were to investigate relationships between hemisphericity and preference for spatial-dimensionality in the production of art and to determine whether cognitive processes are different in students who prefer different spatial activities. Specifically, this study investigated the relationships between students' preference for two and three dimensional art projects and their scores on Excell's Hemispheric Mode Indicator (HMI) test.

The total population of eighty-five art students from a rural, regional New Jersey high school were included in this study. Two instruments were administered. Scores from the teacher-made survey served as data for criterion measure one and determined spatial-dimensionality preference. Scores from the HMI determined each subject's degree of brain dominance and became data for criterion measure two.

A 3x2 crossbreaks design was organized and a chi square computed. The Cramer's Phi coefficient determined the strength of the association. A Pearson r investigated correlations between degrees of dimensionality preference and hemisphericity.

A statistical significance of x2=6.963 at the p<.05 level was found between hemisphericity and dimensionality preference. Based on the findings of this study, brain dominance and spatial-dimensionality preference can be considered not independent. Specifically, a strong relationship appears to exist between left brain dominance and three-dimensional preference.

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