"The effects of group cohesion and experiential learning activities on " by Elizabeth Shmikler

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Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. School Psychology


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Allen, Terri


Adventure Education, Class Engagement, College Classroom, Experiential Education, Participation Styles


Adventure education; College students--Psychology


School Psychology


Adventure education is a long standing form of education that has been used both internationally and throughout America more than many initially realize. Adventure education has proven to have a diverse range of benefits to its participants, and has become an essential, widely acknowledged, and promoted approach to learning. Not only has past research connected a participation styles to adventure education and formal education, but several studies have noted the multitude of benefits that adventure education can have on student retention and college performance. This line of research continues to expand in applying experiential education in formal, college education settings. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of implementing group cohesion and adventure education-based activities based on the experiential learning model in a college course on student participation styles, and to determine the way experiential education in a classroom setting influences those participation styles. This research collects data on the possibility of a time-efficient intervention influencing classroom participation in a college course. Primary participants were 27 college students in an intermediate psychology course and their instructor. Data was collected using a mix of quantitative and qualitative techniques and was analyzed using standard interpretive methods and a paired samples t-test. While interview data sheds light on the promising benefits of the intervention, statistical data showed no significant change between groups. Limitations and implications are discussed.
