"The effectiveness of listening while reading with story mapping on the" by Suzanne C. Sedarat

Date Approved


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Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. Special Education


Interdisciplinary and Inclusive Education


College of Education


Accardo, Amy

Committee Member 1

Kuder, Sydney J.


Emotional Behavioral Disorder, Listening While Reading, Story Mapping


Reading comprehension; Behavior disorders in adolescence


Special Education and Teaching


This study utilized a single-subject ABA design to examine the effectiveness of listening while reading using audiobooks combined with the evidence-based strategy, story mapping, on the reading comprehension of narrative text for students with emotional and behavioral disorders. Four high-school students in a ninth grade self-contained classroom in a private, special education setting participated in the study. During the intervention, students listened to a novel on the computer program Learning Ally (TM) while reading along with a copy of the text and competing a related story map. Reading comprehension was measured via student responses to comprehension questions and the number of narrative story elements identified in a story retelling. The combined intervention package had an overall positive effect on the reading comprehension for all four participants with variations in individual improvement. Results reveal two of four participants increased comprehension, and three of four participants increased number of story elements identified in a retelling as a result of using the listening while reading with story mapping strategy. Furthermore, survey results indicate that participants perceived the intervention as beneficial in improving their reading comprehension and story retelling.
