"Factors that lead to the success of inner city Hispanic students in ST" by Anjali C. Thanawala

Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

EdD Educational Leadership


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Murphy, Maureen

Committee Member 1

Kerrigan, Monica

Committee Member 2

Fellner, Gene


Dual Enrollment, Factors, High school Students, Hispanics in STEM education, Inner city, STEM education


Hispanic American high school students; Dual enrollment; Engineering--Study and teaching; Science--Study and teaching


Science and Mathematics Education


The United States has been struggling to maintain its authority in a technological world. Every year thousands of skilled STEM workers come to the United States to take jobs that are not filled by our college graduates. In order to uplift STEM education in the United States intermediation is required from the early years and also to encourage participation of Hispanic students in STEM majors and careers.

Over the years the high school graduation rate for Hispanic youth has increased, and their enrollment in institutions of higher education have also increased, however, their participation in STEM majors has not yet seen the same increase. Besides advanced placement (AP) credits, dual enrollment credits have become a very important part of high school curriculum. Federal government and various other organizations have been funding STEM dual enrollment programs throughout the country to promote participation of Hispanic and other minority high school students in STEM majors and careers. Although several grants are working on promoting and encouraging STEM Dual enrollment among Hispanic students, only a very small percentage of Hispanic students successfully take advantage of these opportunities. This dissertation focuses on studying factors that support the success of Hispanic high school students from inner city school districts in STEM Dual Enrollment.
