"Full disclosure: examining the experience of male faculty of color at " by Thomas A. Cruz-Soto Jr

Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

EdD Educational Leadership


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Coaxum, James

Committee Member 1

Ingram, Ted

Committee Member 2

Rios, Hector


Male Faculty of Color


Universities and colleges--Faculty--African Americans; Universities and colleges--Faculty--Hispanic Americans


Higher Education


This study explores the lived experiences of male faculty of color (African American and Latino American) at Upstate University, a predominately White, private, liberal arts institution (PWI). To gain a better understanding of the lived experiences of male faculty of color, a group that has traditionally been underrepresented and marginalized in academia, the conceptual framework for this study will be guided by Gloria Ladson-Billings' (1995) Critical Race Theory (CRT). Specifically, the component of counter-storytelling was incorporated into the study. A qualitative phenomenological study was designed to dig deep into the research while constantly bracketing to capture the reality or true lived experiences of the participants (Collins, 2000; Creswell, 2007; Van Manen, 1990). Interviews were conducted with 15 full-time tenured (associate and full professor) faculty in Phase I and Phase II, via focus groups and individual interviews that responded to a questionnaire about their lived experiences at Upstate University. The findings of this study revealed that the experiences of male faculty of color at Upstate University are both rewarding and challenging. The stories that participants told revealed a number of challenges in the lived experience of male faculty of color, revolving around issues of sense of belonging, lack of visible diversity with the academia and community, the negative impacts of race relations, the taxation of men of color within professoriate, and the great value of mentorship of male faculty of color at Upstate University.
