"The effects of computer games on the mastery of multiplication facts f" by Kristy Peters

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Document Type


Degree Name

MA Special Education


Interdisciplinary and Inclusive Education


College of Education


Kuder, S. Jay


multiplication facts, third graders, fourth graders


Computer games; Arithmetic--Study and teaching; Learning disabled children


Science and Mathematics Education | Special Education and Teaching


The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of multiplication computer games on mastering multiplication facts for students with exceptional learning needs. Three students will be participating in this research study. There is one male student and two female students, in Grades 3 and 4. Each of the three students has an individualized education plan (IEP) and receives three hours of instruction outside the regular classroom in a resource room setting. Two of the students have been identified as having Specific Learning Disabilities and one as having multiple disabilities. The students were selected for the study due to a lack of mastery of multiplication facts. This study was utilized a pretest- posttest design and data was collected during the baseline, intervention, and post-intervention phases. The research study was designed to determine the increase of multiplication mastered by each student. The dependent variable was the student scores on the multiplication assessments. The independent variable was the multiplication computer games that the students were playing in this study. The computer games were used to improve mastery of multiplication facts. The data from this study suggests that multiplication computer games are an effective way to improve mastery of multiplication facts. This has led me to conclude that incorporating games, technology, and computer games is beneficial for skill development for students with and without disabilities. Technology is an effective means to master multiplication facts. Games and technology can increase motivation in math for all students. The results from this study parallel results from previous studies that technology and computer games are effective in improving math skills for students with disabilities. It should be incorporated into the math curriculums, not replace current curriculums. Technology and games can increase motivation in math. The findings suggest future investigations into the use of computer games in math.
