"Can sensory strategies reduce tantruming to increase positive familial" by Deborah Stacy Maule

Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

MA Learning Disabilities


Interdisciplinary and Inclusive Education


College of Education


Kuder, S. Jay

Committee Member 1

Paparo, Nanci


Decreasing Tantruming, Increased Reciprocity, Increasing Familial Engagement, Limiting Tantruming, Sensory Integration, Sensory Success


Learning disabled children--Behavior modification


Early Childhood Education | Special Education and Teaching


This study examined the effects of sensory strategies in relation to a child's success in regards to enjoyment of his or her family life. This study was based on the sensory struggles of one little boy who spent much of his time tantruming. This was possibly due to his inability to self-calm so that he could find success instead of strife within his home environment.

This study took place over fifteen Early Intervention home visits in southern New Jersey, and parental questionnaires were referenced each time to note progress or regression in areas pertinent to the child's social emotional and sensory success. Because the home was not a regulated environment, varying effects were possible throughout this study. The child's mother and younger brother were present for all sessions, and on some occasions, an extraneous visitor.

The child was 28 months through 32 months of age by the end of the study. He initially presented as extremely dysregulated, and sensory strategies were used and kept track of, in order to later reference what was working, and what was not. As evidenced by zero tantrums during our last visit, the sensory strategies proved their efficacy by the end of the study, when implemented as needed.
