"The effects of using Padlet on the academic performance and engagement" by Cynthia Lynn Kleinsmith

Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

MA Special Education


Interdisciplinary and Inclusive Education


College of Education


Accardo, Amy

Committee Member 1

Kuder, Sydney J.


Academic Achievement, Basic Skills, Engagement, Fifth grade, Math, Padlet


Student response systems; Mathematics--Study and teaching


Science and Mathematics Education


The purpose of this study was to: (a) examine the effectiveness of Padlet in increasing the engagement of students in a fifth grade basic skills mathematics classroom, (b) examine the effectiveness of Padlet in increasing the academic achievement of students in a fifth grade basic skills mathematics classroom, and (c) determine if students in a fifth grade basic skills mathematics classroom are satisfied with the use of Padlet. The research was conducted using single-subject design methodology. The study followed an ABABAB alternating baseline pattern. Student academic achievement was evaluated through daily assessments, while student engagement was evaluated in one minute intervals for ten minutes daily. The results of this study suggest that the use of Padlet may help to increase the engagement and academic achievement of students in a fifth grade basic skills mathematics classroom. Padlet was found to increase the weekly mean engagement score for 4 out of the 6 students and the weekly mean academic achievement score for 3 out of 6 students. Results also show that all students were satisfied with the use of Padlet. Implications for educating students in a basic skills setting include the recommendation to utilize additional education technologies such as Padlet in the classroom.
