"Utilization of a school specific intervention manual to increase teach" by Jacqueline Jade Kelly

Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

MA Learning Disabilities


Interdisciplinary and Inclusive Education


College of Education


Kuder, Sydney J.

Committee Member 1

Paparo, Nanci


intervention, referral


Learning-disabled children--Services for; Learning-disabled children--Identification


Special Education and Teaching | Student Counseling and Personnel Services


One of the primary purposes of the Intervention and Referral Services (I & RS) process is to assist school staff in addressing students' learning, behavior, or health needs (N.J.A.C. 6A:16-7.1 [a]). This study sought to improve I & RS process and student outcomes in a southern New Jersey elementary school that services students from grades Pre-Kindergarten through second grade. At the outset of the study, school administrators reported that an area of need was to formulate an intervention resource for the school's I & RS committee and teaching staff. It was determined that an online/interactive intervention manual would be created allowing teaching staff to support each other when intervening with at-risk students. Interventions were developed for the manual by the researcher, and additional interventions were offered by teaching staff. Pre- and post-survey information, interview information, and referral statistics were used to identify and examine study effects. It was found that there was little effect on staff perceptions of the I & RS process and student referrals to the child study team were unchanged. The researcher concluded that the study did begin to move school I & RS processes in a more collaborative, supportive direction.
