"The effectiveness of the flipped classroom for students with learning " by Ashley Butterick

Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

MA Special Education


Interdisciplinary and Inclusive Education


College of Education


Accardo, Amy

Committee Member 1

Kuder, Sydney J.


flipped classroom, mathematics, special education, specific learning disability


Learning disabled teenagers--Education; Algebra--Study and teaching


Science and Mathematics Education | Special Education and Teaching


The purpose of this study was: (a) to examine the effectiveness of using the flipped classroom model to improve the academic scores of students with a specific learning disabilities (SLD), (b) to examine the effectiveness of using the flipped classroom to improve rates of homework completion by students with a SLD and (c) to evaluate student satisfaction and perception of the flipped classroom intervention. Five high school students, four males and one female, with a SLD participated in the study. A single subject ABAB design was used. During the baseline phases, students received Algebra I instruction through a traditional classroom model. Class time was utilized for direct instruction and practice problems were assigned for homework. During the intervention, students received Algebra I instruction through the flipped classroom model. Instructional videos and guided note sheets were assigned for homework and class time was used for collaborative practice activities. Homework completion and daily assessment scores were recorded across all phases. Results show that students improved their rate of homework completion during the intervention phases. The student satisfaction survey suggests that students enjoyed the flipped classroom and preferred it to traditional instruction models. Further research is suggested investigating the academic outcomes of the flipped classroom for students with SLD.
