"Victimization and perpetration in cyber and in-person aggression among" by Christina Anita Rossi

Date Approved


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Document Type


Degree Name

MA School Psychology


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Callueng, Carmelo


cyber aggression, intimate partner aggression, cyber victimization, bullying, social networking sites


Couples--Psychology; Intimate partner violence




Our dependence on technology for communication has become normalized by today's society. As this dependence continues to heighten, the risk for negative behaviors increases. The new environment for social interaction has allowed different forms of aggression to occur. Cyber aggression is now showing up in another social context - intimate partner violence. It is now possible for couples to argue over the phone or by text, and to use communication technology to express their aggression towards one another. The study was conducted to determine whether cyber aggression victimization co-occurs with in-person experiences of psychological, physical and sexual partner violence. In addition, the study examined if cyber aggression perpetration co-occurs with acts of in-person partner violence. It was hypothesized that victimization and perpetration in one social form (cyber) can likely increase victimization and perpetration in another (in-person) form. Participants were young adult university students in an intimate relationship for at least 6 months. The Revised Conflicts Tactics Scale and the Cyber Aggression in Relationships Scale were used to gather data through an online survey. Hypothesis testing involved the use of correlational analysis. The results indicated that there was higher incidence rates of in-person aggression than cyber aggression in young adults. Lastly, there was a significant correlation between cyber and in-person IPA.

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