"The relationship between peer tutoring and learning styles at Rowan Un" by Marissa Jean Wood

Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

MA Higher Education


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Sisco, Burton R.

Committee Member 1

Walpole, MaryBeth


Learning Connections Inventory, Learning Styles, Tutoring, VARK


Tutors and tutoring; College students


Higher Education


The purpose of this study was to determine the learning styles of peer tutors employed by the Tutoring Services department on the Glassboro campus of Rowan University during the spring 2017 semester. The study collected responses to two learning style instruments: the Learning Connections Inventory (LCI) Adult Education Form © and the VARK © instrument. Of particular interest was what were the most common learning styles among the tutors and was there a relationship between the reported styles and, length of time as a tutor, academic major, and class rank?

Although there is a plethora of research describing the relationship between tutoring and the student being tutored (i.e. the tutee), there is a gap in the literature pertaining to the relationship between tutoring and the tutor. Further, the literature regarding the relationships between being a tutor and tutoring does not adequately explore potential interactions between learning styles and being employed as peer tutor. The LCI © and VARK © instruments were administered to 45 peer tutors who were employed by the Tutoring Services Department of Rowan University during the spring 2017 academic semester. This study found that there were no relationships between the reported learning styles and, length of time as a tutor, academic major, and class rank.
