"The effects of using a whiteboard interactively in a middle school mat" by Joshua H. Schneider

Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

MA Special Education


Interdisciplinary and Inclusive Education


College of Education


Kuder, Sydney J.

Committee Member 1

Accardo, Amy


IWB, Mathematics, Smartboard, Whiteboard


Educational technology; Mathematics--Study and teaching


Science and Mathematics Education | Special Education and Teaching


The purpose of this study was to further examine the effects of using Interactive White Boards interactively versus as a glorified whiteboard. The experimental group consisted of seven eighth grade general education students and six eighth grade special education students. The experimental group was taught with lessons created to promote interactivity and student involvement and covered the five lessons in a unit on three-dimensional geometry. Baseline data was collected by using the mean of the students' recent test scores. The post-test was then compared to the students' baseline scores to show the effectiveness of the intervention. To further data analysis, baseline mean scores and post-test scores from the 26 other students in eighth grade math were analyzed and compared to the experimental group. Overall, the results showed the intervention was successful. Both the special education students and the general education students of the experimental group showed significant growth over their baseline data. Although the control group also showed growth from their baseline to the post-test, the growth was not as significant and a much higher percentage of students either showed very little growth or exhibited a lower score on their post-test than baseline.
