"Exploring teachers' self-efficacy about technology use in learning des" by Sandra B. Vorensky

Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

EdD (Doctor of Education)


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Thompson, Carol C.

Committee Member 1

Wilson-Hill, Zalphia

Committee Member 2

Kuo, Yu-Chun


Educational Technology, Mathematics Anxiety, Mathematics Education, Self-Efficacy, Students' Self-Efficacy, Teachers' Self-Efficacy


Educational technology; Mathematics--Study and teaching


Science and Mathematics Education | Teacher Education and Professional Development


The purpose of this study was to explore teachers' perceived self-efficacy about mathematics and using educational technology and its influence on lessening students' math anxiety in the classroom. Building upon previous research by Sun and Pyzdrowski (2009), this study examined teachers' beliefs about mathematics and their own ability to use online educational mathematics resources to lessen students' math anxiety, increase self-efficacy and encourage academic achievement. A qualitative research design was used in this study. Data was collected sequentially from teacher observations during math instruction, surveys, and semi-structured interviews with third and fourth grade teachers. Results support previous self-efficacy research about the significance of mathematics anxiety and its impact on instructional choices. Findings suggest that teachers' self-efficacy about mathematics along with teachers' professional assignments contribute to decisions about how to best use educational technology in teaching. Educational math software provides opportunities for feedback that lessens mathematics anxiety. This study suggests that teachers use a variety of strategies to overcome challenges using technology in the classroom. And finally, teachers used a variety of non-tech and technology strategies for lessening students' math anxiety in the classroom. Implications for educational leadership are discussed.
