"Academic and social adaptation through a college success course: A cas" by Jenny Pamela Marcenaro

Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

EdD (Doctor of Education)


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Kerrigan, Monica Reid

Committee Member 1

Austin, William J.

Committee Member 2

Nespoli, Lawrence


academic adaptation, case study, college success course, persistence, social adaptation


Community college students; Student adjustment


Community College Leadership | Higher Education


The purpose of this qualitative critical single case study was to explore how second semester students who took a college student success course during their first term adapted to their second term. Specifically, by focusing on how this course contributed to their academic and social adaptation, and why this course may have facilitated such adaptation and persistence at their institution. Findings from this study indicated that this course contributed to these students' adaptation from first to second semester by teaching these students the importance of time management, changing their priorities, putting their academics first. In addition, these participants learned about college services available and used these during their second term; they became more self-confident and open to ask for assistance. Furthermore, because of the required communication in the course with faculty and with fellow students, the participants became more socially connected. Lastly, these participants learned various academic strategies in their college success course that they applied in other courses during their second term. Included is a discussion of this study's findings, implications, and recommendations in relation to CSS and other college success courses like it.
