"Transfer student involvement: Patterns of involvement at Rowan Univers" by Marissa Porter

Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

MA Higher Education


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Sisco, Burton R.

Committee Member 1

Walpole, MaryBeth


Involvement, Transfer Student


Transfer students--New Jersey; Rowan University--Students


Higher Education


The goal of this study was to explore the involvement patterns of transfer students at Rowan University. The target population of this study was all transfer students new to the university during the fall 2017 semester. A total of 688 students were surveyed using a modified version of the Ohio University Student Involvement Questionnaire. The survey measured variables such as student demographics, self-reported levels of student involvement activities, and self-reported levels of satisfaction of student involvement, post-transfer to Rowan University in September of 2017 (Williford & Moden, 1995). There were 302 student responses collected. The Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) was used to analyze responses, by use of factor groupings set by the five sections of the survey. Variable frequencies, standard deviations, and means were identified through analysis of the factor groupings (Williford & Moden, 1995).

Common themes found in this study shed light on the relationship between involvement patterns, importance and satisfaction of involvement, campus environment, and academic success. While subjects were relatively neutral about the importance and satisfaction of involvement, campus environment, and academic success, some moderate to weak correlations were found between involvement patterns and demographics such as residence status, employment status, and academic success.
