"A study of the integration of technology in interdisciplinary curricul" by Phyllis Mordente


Phyllis Mordente

Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

Ed.D. Educational Leadership


Educational Leadership


College of Education


Browne, Susan


Educational technology; Middle school education


Elementary and Middle and Secondary Education Administration


The relationships among all subject areas in interdisciplinary instruction and the effectiveness of technology integrated within this process provide a pertinent study for educators, especially in the consideration of and adherence to recent national standards and mandates on cross-curricular instruction. The purpose of this study was to explore effective technology implementation in interdisciplinary activities in a middle school setting. The researcher qualitatively and quantitatively analyzed how to effectively structure media-rich inquiry-based learning and how to effectively integrate technology into a team project-based learning model. A research plan was formulated to recursively collect, organize, and analyze data within a collaborative framework. Avoiding bias ensured the integrity of the study to ascertain the effectiveness of leadership practices within the context of a teaching team. A review of the literature cited effective technology integration and a constructivist interpretive approach to project-based learning experiences and differentiated instruction was employed as research guides to the research. The findings indicated effective interdisciplinary instructional practices conducive to improved student learning. An action research approach was used to inform and improve current practices regarding the integration of technology in cross-curricular instruction, programs, and units of study.
