"The effect of classwide peer tutoring on the skill performance and fit" by Christopher Farrell

Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. Special Education


Interdisciplinary and Inclusive Education


College of Education


Accardo, Amy

Committee Member 1

Kuder, Sydney J.

Committee Member 2

Shuff, Midge


classwide peer tutoring, CWPT, inclusion, peer tutoring, physical education


Physical education and training; Children with disabilities


Health and Physical Education | Special Education and Teaching


This single subject study used an ABAB research design to investigate the effect of classwide peer tutoring (CWPT) on the skill performance and fitness levels of students with disabilities. Data was collected from nine students with disabilities who are members of a fourth grade physical education inclusion class. During the baseline phases of this study, students received instruction through whole-class direct instruction provided by the physical education teacher. During the intervention phases of this study, students participated in CWPT sessions. Skill performance in this study was determined through students demonstrating skill cues while shooting towards a target. Fitness levels were measured through the use of the Pacer Test, a cardiovascular endurance measurement. Students with disabilities were paired with typically developing peers in their same class and they took turns serving in the roles of tutor and tutee. The results of this research study suggest that students with disabilities showed an increase in skill performance and fitness levels as the result of using CWPT. Participant satisfaction surveys indicate a high level of enjoyment and satisfaction with CWPT.
