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Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. Special Education


Interdisciplinary and Inclusive Education


College of Education


Kuder, Sydney J.


Reading--Remedial teaching; Response to intervention (Learning disabled children)


Language and Literacy Education | Special Education and Teaching


The purpose of this exploratory investigation is to examine whether the use of the two strategies "Stop and Jot" and "Learning Ally" delivered as part of tier-2 Response to Intervention model, will improve the reading comprehension deficits of fourth grade students with reading difficulties. Participants in this study varied in their results, but overall there were positive outcomes. Students were assessed during the pre-intervention phase, intervention phase and post-intervention phase using the Fountas and Pinnell Reading Benchmark Assessment.

The average participant increased their reading level by one on the Fountas and Pinnell Reading Benchmark Assessment. Two students in this study still have significant deficits in reading comprehension and are currently being studied for an auditory processing delay. The other four participants increased their reading comprehension by utilizing the strategies "Learning Ally" and "Stop and Jot."

Overall, this study proved to support that utilizing one or both of these strategies will increase a fourth grade student's reading comprehension through tier 2 Response to Intervention. These strategies will be recommended for educators whose students need to increase their reading comprehension.
