"A study of the collaborative strategies of general education and speci" by Angela McDougall

Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. Special Education


Interdisciplinary and Inclusive Education


College of Education


Kuder, Sydney J.

Committee Member 1

Accardo, Amy

Committee Member 2

Shuff, Midge


disabilities, inclusion, special education, urban district, urban high school


Teaching teams; Inclusive education


Secondary Education | Special Education and Teaching


This study expands on prior research on the benefits and strategies implemented in an inclusion classroom with the general education and special education teacher in an urban high school. The collaborative strategies that both teachers implement are critical to ensure a high level of instruction delivery to the special education students and the general education students that are placed together in the inclusion classroom. The general education teacher and the special education teacher both have their respective roles in the inclusion classroom.

General education teachers, ICS (in class support) and special education teachers who instruct in self-contained classrooms were interviewed to get a perspective from each teacher on their strategies, collaboration, years of experience and training to successfully teach students with disabilities and non-disabled students in the same classroom. Data was collected by note taking, interviews and observing the teachers in the classroom, leading and or supporting instructional strategies. A total of five classes were observed in varying content areas. Four were inclusion classes with in class support from certified special educational teachers and one self-contained classes with students of varying disabilities with a paraprofessional in a supportive role.
