"A program evaluation of the Academic Reboot Program at Rowan Universit" by Kayla Raparelli

Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. Higher Education


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Tinnin, Andrew

Committee Member 1

McCombs, Tyrone

Committee Member 2

Walpole, MaryBeth


Academic achievement; Rowan University--Students--Services for


Higher Education


The Academic Reboot Program at Rowan University was designed to assist students on Academic Warning and Academic Probation with the University improve their GPA so that they may remain a student at the University. The purpose of this evaluation is to collect information that will assist in improving the effectiveness of the Academic Reboot Program on student academic achievement. This evaluation discusses the history of college academic rehabilitation programs, the significance of college academic rehabilitation programs, common barriers to success reported by students, and a variety of intervention strategies for students on Academic Warning and Academic Probation.

In this evaluation, five separate evaluation questions were addressed regarding utilization of campus resources and academic performance prior to and as a result of the Academic Reboot Program. It was discovered that after experience in the Academic Reboot Program, students on Academic Warning and Probation utilize Academic Advising and other campus resources substantially more. Also as a result of the Academic Reboot Program, these students have higher GPAs.
