"Until superheroes learn how to use their power: Exploring the triple c" by Janelle N. Smith-Alexander

Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

PhD Education


Center for Access, Success, and Equity


College of Education


Zion, Shelley D.

Committee Member 1

Williams-Shealey, Monika

Committee Member 2

Freedman, Justin


African American Males, Disability Studies in Education Critical Race Theory (DisCrit), multidimensional identities, triple consciousness


African American students; Identity (Psychology); Learning disabled youth--Education


Disability and Equity in Education


As early as elementary school, African American students are labeled and passed along from teacher to teacher with negative stigma and stereotypes (Wright, 2018). This negative academic self-concept adversely affects and shapes a deficit lens rather than a strength-based perspective and may further perpetuate trauma, mirroring the disproportionate inequities within education (Banks, 2017; Wright, 2018). The purpose of this qualitative instrumental case study was to explore how African American males identified as having specific learning dis/abilities understand their triple consciousness and what particular experiences influence their post-high school decisions (Stake, 2006). The study investigated the multidimensional lived experiences of eight African American male high school seniors identified as having specific learning dis/abilities. The findings redrew the generalizations of DuBois's (1903) double consciousness as a new perspective of awareness and critical consciousness for students with multidimensional identities that are interdependent of race and ability (Annamma & Morrison, 2018). The conceptual framework of triple consciousness was used to guide the study and recognize the varied lived experiences, influences, and self-awareness of an individual with multidimensional identities.

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