"Women of color in higher education" by Melissa Minaya

Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. Higher Education


Educational Services and Administration


College of Education


Walpole, MaryBeth

Committee Member 1

McCombs, Tyrone

Committee Member 2

Tinnin, Andrew


Minority college students; Women college students


Higher Education


The purpose of this study is to capture the essence of the stories of women of color at Rowan University. Additionally, the study would capture how women of color in their junior or senior year feel about institutional support. The combination of both the essence in their story, in other words, the importance behind their experiences, and their perception of institutional support will lead to recommendations to Rowan University.

In order to capture the essence of the women of color that participated in this study, I held individual open-ended interviews with each participant. The overall goal was to get three participants from each of the following racial/ethnic group: African American/Black, Asian American, American Indian/Native American, and Hispanic/Latinx. However, the study does not cover the stories of women who identify as American Indian/Native American because there was no response from this racial group. The findings depict that all the women experienced similar struggles at Rowan University despite their racial background. It also highlights that there is a lack of diverse representation and this impacts how the students perceive support. All in all, the study ends with some recommendations based on the stories that the women of color shared.
