"The adult student decline: A review of the long-term impact of the Row" by Trayvonne Jones

Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. Higher Education


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Tinnin, Drew

Committee Member 1

Dale, Dianna

Committee Member 2

McCombs, Tyrone


Adult college students--Rowan University


Higher Education


As education continues to advance, we are beginning to see that adult students are considerably different compared to their traditional counterparts. Adult students face many barriers that may hinder their receiving a proper education. These barriers can range from things such as time commitment or a technological barrier. With Rowan University's change from a commuter institution to a more residential university we have started to see an increase in full time students and less part-time students. This change could result in the needs of adult students not being met, which would pose a problem for the university. In 2008 Derrell Pustizzi created a study to investigate the adult student population of Rowan University to see if there was decline in enrollment and also to look at their satisfaction with the services that the university provided. The data showed that that while adult students were satisfied with the current services that were being provided, there were areas that needed to improve moving forward (Pustizzi, 2008). The data that Pustizzi provided showed that there was indeed a decline between 1997 through 2007 in the adult population on campus, however, it was also mentioned that the university was taking action to increase enrollment in adult students and provide better services for them (Pustizzi, 2008).
