"The value in marketing: The influence of memory on marketing campus ac" by Melissa Banuelos

Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. Higher Education


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Wright-Mair, Raquel

Committee Member 1

Ferguson, Sarah

Committee Member 2

Dale, Dianna


College students--Services for--Marketing


Higher Education


The following mixed methods study sought to uncover relationships among value, identity, and memory to aid in the utilization of value in marketing campus activities. 12 students participated in a free recall memory task as well as a word value ranking task to help better understand possible relationships. There were no significant differences in the number of words recalled based on a participant's affiliation with a specific identity group. There was also no significant relationship between word value and frequency was found. However, following the completion of the quantitative portion of this study, four of the 12 participants engaged in narrative letter writing regarding the concept and personal definition of value(s). Using the Values Coding technique, four emergent values were uncovered: enjoyment/happiness, celebration, community, and self. Findings regarding current student values could prove useful in creating targeted marketing to increase interest and attendance for campus activities. Also, limited significant relationships provide direction for future researcher replication and potential for improvements to study.
