Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

Ed.D. Doctor of Education


Educational Services and Leadership


College of Education


Ane Turner Johnson, Ph.D.

Committee Member 1

Yu-Chun Kuo, Ph.D.

Committee Member 2

Sarah Ferguson, Ph.D.


Digital Literacy, Growth Mindset, Remote Instruction


High school teaching; Digital divide; Computer-assisted instruction


Curriculum and Instruction | Curriculum and Social Inquiry | Secondary Education


The purpose of this explanatory sequential mixed methods study was: (1) to explore the ways in which high school teachers use instructional practices that promote a growth mindset among their students, (2) how those practices are used to improve digital literacy, and (3) how these practices evolved during the transition from face-to-face instruction to remote instruction. This study aimed to explore not only how teachers are using instructional strategies to promote growth mindset, but how those strategies are helping to address students‘ digital literacy needs with the intent to narrow the digital divide. For this study, the case-selection variant of mixed message was used, placing a greater emphasis on the qualitative phase of the study. The survey for this study was used for the purpose of identifying participants for the qualitative interviews. The qualitative phase, which included in-depth, semi-structured interviews uncovered a number of themes relating to teachers‘ instructional practices that promote growth mindset, digital literacy development, remote learning, and the digital divide. In addition to the findings, implications for future research and recommendations are discussed.
