Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. Reading Education


Language, Literacy, and Sociocultural Education


College of Education


Valarie Lee, Ed.D.

Committee Member 1

Marjorie Madden, Ph.D.

Committee Member 2

Susan Browne, Ed.D.


Autistic children--Education; Language arts (Preschool)


Early Childhood Education | Language and Literacy Education | Special Education and Teaching


The purpose of this study was to look at what literacy strategies can be implemented to engage autistic preschool students during read-aloud instruction. Through this qualitative case study, I conducted research to find strategies that would engage my students in a way that is purposeful, effective, and create instruction where students take something meaningful away from the lesson. The research was conducted in a self-contained preschool classroom with a focus on Autism. A teacher's journal, family questionnaire, observational and anecdotal notes were used and collected to analyze data from read-aloud instruction. The data that was collected was analyzed through the use of triangulation and coding of student participation patterns and engagement in order to determine themes that emerged from the study. Based on the data analysis it was evident that instruction was more effective in a large group setting when implementing a variety of fiction and nonfiction texts based on student interest. Other factors such as seating arrangements, rereading of texts, incorporation of technology also resulted in an increase in student engagement and students demonstrated greater comprehension of the text. Another key component of effective read-aloud instruction was setting up a read-aloud routine that is predictable and consistent. At the conclusion of the study of implementing these strategies it was evident that student engagement and comprehension of the text increased.
