Date Approved


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Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science in Civil Engineering


Civil and Environmental Engineering


Henry M. Rowan College of Engineering


Adriana Trias, Ph.D.

Committee Member 1

Islam Mantawy, Ph.D.

Committee Member 2

Andres Roda, PE


LIDAR, bridge inspection, bridge decks


Bridges--Maintenance and repair; Bridges--New Jersey; Nondestructive testing


Civil and Environmental Engineering | Engineering


Bridge deck condition assessments are typically conducted through visual physical inspections, utilizing traditional contact sensors for Non-Destructive Evaluation techniques such as hammer Sounding and chain dragging which require the expertise of trained inspectors. However, the accuracy of these inspections is limited by the level of deterioration of the bridge deck, as the ability of the inspectors is proportional to the apparent level of damage. This study aims to improve the accuracy of bridge deck inspection processes by utilizing non-destructive evaluation techniques, including the analysis of point cloud data gathered via Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) as a geometry-capturing tool. The overall goal of this research is to evaluate and quantify the effectiveness and efficiency of LiDAR sensors in contributing to the suite of technologies available to perform bridge deck condition assessment. To achieve this, the research proposes to understand the deterioration pattern of New Jersey bridges, evaluate the results gathered from point cloud data collected on a full-scale bridge deck, quantify the information gained from deploying LiDAR on operating bridges in New Jersey, and investigate the costs related to current bridge condition assessment practices and the impact of incorporating the use of LiDAR sensors. Two data processing approaches were chosen to measure gross and fine dimensions of the evaluated bridge decks, resulting in an accuracy of 96% with respect to results gathered from inspection reports.
