Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)


Educational Leadership


College of Education


James Coaxum III, Ph.D. & MaryBeth Walpole, Ph.D.

Committee Member 1

Hajime Mitani, Ph.D.


Community Cultural Wealth; Latina School Principals; Latinx women school principals; Leadership Ascension; Linguistic assets; Women in Leadership


Hispanic American school principals; Women school principals


Education | Educational Administration and Supervision


This study explored the unique leadership journeys of Latinx women holding principal positions in K-12 schools across New Jersey. The research findings revealed that these women's career paths were significantly influenced by their social identity characteristics, specifically as female Latinx individuals. The study serves as a crucial reminder to challenge and eliminate negative perceptions and biases towards Latina school principals and their leadership growth and methodologies. The study focused on the leadership journeys of Latinx women holding principal positions in K-12 schools in New Jersey. The findings also showed that their career paths were aided by their social identity characteristics as female Latinx individuals. This research serves as a wake-up call to eradicate negative perceptions around the leadership of Latina school principals. This study challenges the negative portrayal of Latinx women in leadership positions. It explores how cultural values and social identities shape their experiences. The study’s findings reveal that Latinx women principals’ success is facilitated by their bilingualism, family values, and the desire to inspire others. This research aims to eliminate the deficit mindset about Latina school principals and promote inclusive leadership practices. The research questions for this study are: (1)How do Latinx women describe their experiences ascending into school leadership positions? (2) How do cultural values influence these Latina school principals' leadership? (3) How do their intersecting identities shape Latinx women's leadership experiences?
