Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (M.A.) in Higher Education


Educational Leadership, Administration and Research


College of Education


Stephanie Lezotte, Ph.D.

Committee Member 1

Andrew Tinnin, Ed.D.

Committee Member 2

Tyrone McCombs, Ph.D.


Academic Performance; Community Assistant; Mental Health; Residential Life


Rowan University--Students--Mental health; Dormitory life; Academic achievement


Education | Higher Education


The purpose of this study was to analyze the multifaceted challenges faced by Community Assistants (CAs) within residential life at Rowan University. Through an examination of existing literature, data, and qualitative insights, this study sheds light on how CAs prioritize their academics and mental health within their role. Three research questions guided the study: (1) To what extent does the demanding role of a Community Assistant impact their ability to prioritize their academic responsibilities? (2) To what extent does the demanding role of a Community Assistant impact their ability to prioritize their Mental Health? (3) How can Residential Life Offices better train and support the needs of the CAs academically? Findings reveal that CAs often prioritize their job responsibilities over their academic pursuits and mental health. Many participants reported difficulties in balancing their roles and were open to initiatives to support their academic endeavors better. This study advocates for the potential implementation of proactive initiatives to foster an environment where CAs feel empowered, valued, and equipped with the resources necessary to navigate their roles effectively while maintaining their academic pursuits and personal well-being. By addressing these challenges and supporting the holistic development of CAs, Residential Life offices can cultivate a more inclusive and supportive community environment conducive to success, well-being, and job satisfaction
