Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)


Mechanical Engineering


Henry M. Rowan College of Engineering


Behrad Koohbor Ph.D.

Committee Member 1

Francis M. Haas, Ph.D.

Committee Member 2

Joseph F. Stanzione, III, Ph.D.

Committee Member 3

Nand Singh, Ph.D.

Committee Member 4

Jae-Hwang Lee, Ph.D.


Cold Spray; Finite Element Modeling; Impact Mechanics;Molecular weight; Polymer Blending; Thermoplastic Polymers




Materials Science and Engineering | Mechanical Engineering


The study of particle impact at high strain rates is crucial in fields ranging from materials science and engineering to space exploration and environmental science. In the particular case of cold spray, a particle undergoes intense plastic deformation upon impact, causing it to adhere to the target substrate. While metallic particles impacting on metallic substrates have been extensively studied, understanding the mechanical characteristics of polymeric particles on polymer and metal substrates requires further research. This study focuses on single particle impact modeling, analyzing impact parameters such as particle size, velocity, and angle of incidence using continuum mechanics finite element modeling in ANSYS explicit dynamics solver. The research explores the collision dynamics and develops practical guidelines for cold spray of thermoplastic polymers. Results indicate that particle impact velocity, angle, and initial temperature significantly affect the adhesion of thermoplastic particles on various substrates. Numerical results, validated by LIPIT experimental measurements, show that optimizing particle fracture behavior enhances adhesion. Practical approaches explored include tuning mechanical and fracture properties through molecular weight blending and modeling thin polymer films on high-stiffness substrates. Both methods improve adhesion by controlling particle fracture behavior, highlighting the importance of single-particle impact simulations as powerful, cost-effective predictive tools for understanding adhesion mechanisms in polymer cold spray deposition.

Available for download on Tuesday, June 24, 2025
