"Academic perseverance: establishing on-task behaviors through self-mon" by Lauren Arno


Lauren Arno

Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. Special Education


Language, Literacy, and Special Education


College of Education


Xin, Joy


Self-monitoring; Tablet computers; Mentally ill teenagers


Special Education and Teaching


The purposes of this study were to (a) examine the effectiveness of using an iPad for self-monitoring of secondary students Classified with an emotional disturbance, (b) evaluate their behavior changes (c) evaluate their academic performance, and (d) evaluate their satisfaction with an iPad used for their self-monitoring. Three high school students, two female and one male with emotional disturbance (ED), participated in the study. A single subject design with ABAB phases was used. During the baseline, their behaviors including asking relevant questions, maintaining eye contact with the teacher or task, keeping conversation on topic, and working on current project were observed and recorded. During the intervention, an iPad was introduced to students with a monitoring app called HabitRPG. Students were taught to record their on- task behaviors every five minutes during that interval for 5 days, then the iPad was taken away for 3 days, and resumed for 4 days to evaluate their behavior changes. Results show that all students increased on-task behaviors. At the end a survey demonstrated that the intervention was socially accepted by both students and teacher. Further research with longer duration for self-monitoring using technology may be needed to support high school students with ED.
