Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (M.A.) in Reading Education


Critical Literacy, Technology, and Multilingual Education


College of Education


Marjorie Madden, Ph.D.

Committee Member 1

Stephanie Abraham, Ph.D.

Committee Member 2

Kate Kedley, Ph.D.


culturally sustaining; inclusion; marginalization; special education


Culturally relevant pedagogy; Language arts (Middle school); Students with disabilities--Services for


Language and Literacy Education | Special Education and Teaching


The purpose of this study was to explore the lived experience of middle school students with disability labels in the pull-out resource ELA setting when their teacher included culturally relevant practices. This study utilized qualitative teacher research inquiry methods, and data collection methods included student surveys, teacher journaling of class discussions and observations, and examination of student work samples. This study came about through the lack of culturally relevant pedagogy in the segregated, special education middle school ELA program. Students with disability labels who test below grade level on standardized assessments are placed in a small group, homogeneous classroom with a narrowed, remedial replacement packaged curriculum of repetitive, skill-based mini-lessons on tested comprehension and writing standards, with the goal of improving standardized test scores that includes little student choice, no cooperative learning games, and no authentic 21st century writing. Upon examination and coding of teacher journal to find patterns and triangulation of data to discover themes, findings were that validating student voice led to a more trusting community, allowing student choice increased reading and writing engagement, maintaining high expectations while ensuring students experienced success built self-efficacy, and teaching critical consciousness empowered students to challenge the status quo.
