"Community college presidents: perceptions of leadership demands and co" by Paula Adelhoch


Paula Adelhoch

Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

Ed.D. Educational Leadership


Educational Leadership


College of Education


Coaxum, James

Committee Member 1

Campbell, Robert


Community college presidents


Community College Education Administration


The purpose of this study was to explore community college presidents' perceptions of the demands and competencies of leadership at the community college presidential level. The study focused on the experiences of four sitting community college presidents to understand their perceptions of leadership at the presidential level. The study employed qualitative research and case study methodology. Interviews were conducted at the participants' respective college campus, each lasting approximately 90 minutes. A demographic questionnaire was also provided to the participants. Once the interviews were completed and other supportive data collected, a thematic analysis of the responses was conducted to generate potential themes or patterns. Based on the responses of the participants, and consistent with the literature, there is a great deal of versatility that is required of the community college president. However, according to the participants, leadership positions do not confer any leadership abilities. While there was consensus on many of the demands and competencies necessary for effective leadership, such as the importance of fiscal understanding and responsibility, communication skills, political acumen, managing the board of trustees, and social responsibility, there was no consensus on how to attain these necessary skills.
