"Culture of collaboration: professional learning communities and collab" by Ashley Power


Ashley Power

Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. Reading Education


Language, Literacy, and Special Education


College of Education


Browne, Susan


Professional learning communities; Employees--Coaching of


Elementary and Middle and Secondary Education Administration


What effect does cognitive coaching have on the work of a professional learning community? Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) in my district can be unfocused and unproductive. This may be due to the lack of collaboration and a culture of isolation among staff within the district. Self-reflection in the form of Cognitive Coaching may be one way to encourage colleagues to become more collaborative. If a culture of collaboration and support develops, this may have an effect on PLC meetings. The research portion of this study was conducted over a span of approximately six weeks. Methods for conducting this study included utilizing participant surveys, conducting three completed rounds of coaching (a preconference, lesson observation, and a post-conference.), observations during Professional Learning Community meetings, and the use of teacher reflection journals throughout the process. The results of this research showed overall positive changes in regard to study participants. I found that this study benefited the participants and the school by motivating staff members to become more reflective thinkers in order to change instructional practices, made participants more aware of the need for change in regard to PLC meetings and staff planning time, and began building confidence and trust.
