"Assessment variability among states in determining Part C eligibility " by April Siktar


April Siktar

Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. School Psychology-Professional School Psychology


Educational Services, Administration, and Higher Education


College of Education


Allen, Terri


Children with disabilities--Identification; Early childhood education


Child Psychology | Student Counseling and Personnel Services


Early intervention (EI), known as Part C, is an integral component of providing young children with individualized attention that enriches their development. The EI services are provided to children zero to two years old that are deemed eligible by specific diagnosis, clinical opinion, or based on assessment scores. States have flexibility on which assessments should be used and the qualifications of the examiner. The variations among states and districts can have implications on who is eligible to receive services throughout the country. The purpose of this study is to investigate the assessments and examiner's qualification in each state. The ongoing data that will be collected will be interpreted to answer the following questions: Does the type of assessment used to determine children's eligibility for EI services in each state correlate to the projected number of referred children? Does the difference in the examiner's qualifications have an impact on the number of children in EI? The data suggests that there needs to be further examination to answer these questions. The states' ambiguity of assessments and evaluator qualifications raises concerns on the reliability and validity on the evaluation process.
