"Motivational orientations of RN-BSN students at Rowan University" by Tywanna Hamilton-West

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Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. Higher Education


Educational Leadership


College of Education


Sisco, Burton


Nurses--Education; Motivation in education


Higher Education


The purpose of this study was to research the motivational orientation of diploma and associate prepared nurses enrolled in a RN-BSN program, by examining what factors influence students to participate in adult education activities. Research was conducted at Rowan University, Glassboro, New Jersey during the fall of 2011. Questionnaires were electronically distributed to 200 RNs out of a population of 400. Ninety-eight surveys were utilized, which yielded a 49% return rate. Information was collected from Boshier's Education Participation Scale (EPS) A-Form and 7 demographic questions. Data analysis suggested that 87.5 % of the subjects were goal-oriented learners, participating in advance education to achieve clear-cut objectives. The study supported previous research and revealed goal orientation as the leading motivation for pursuing advanced education. Results found the factors motivating RN-BSN students to pursue advanced education were not influenced by their prior nursing education. Recommendations offered by students for nursing programs to assist in increasing RN participation in advanced education included; flexible class schedules, financial assistance, organization, hybrid and online classes, BSN as a minimum requirement for RN, employment assistance, and credit allowance for years of nursing experience.
