"The effects of reading and self-graphing on the reading fluency and co" by Tracey Panas


Tracey Panas

Date Approved


Embargo Period


Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. Learning Disabilities


Language, Literacy, and Special Education


College of Education


Kuder, S Jay


Children with disabilities--Education; Reading


Special Education and Teaching


The purpose of the study was to examine the effects of rereading and self-graphing on fluency and comprehension of third grade students with special needs. This study implemented a pretest-posttest design. The participants were six students with special needs from a third grade inclusion classroom reading at least two grade levels below third grade. Data was collected during a baseline phase, intervention phase, and postintervention phase. The independent variables were the use of rereading and selfgraphing of passages from the Critical Reading Inventory and The Jerry Johns Basic Reading Inventory. The dependent variable was the measure of the participants' reading fluency and comprehension using the Critical Reading Inventory and The Jerry Johns Basic Reading Inventory. Overall, the results of the study demonstrated reading and selfgraphing to be an effective intervention to increase students' fluency and comprehension. Participants in the study showed an increase in both fluency and comprehension by rereading and self-graphing results. Three participants had a greater increase in fluency, than in comprehension. Three of the participants had a greater increase in comprehension than in fluency. Results of this study show that rereading and self-monitoring of progress can be an effective strategy to improve the reading fluency and comprehension for students with special needs.
