"Repeated reading for students with special needs" by Julie Sara


Julie Sara

Date Approved


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Document Type


Degree Name

M.A. Reading Education


Language, Literacy, and Special Education


College of Education


Madden, Marjorie


Reading; Children with disabilities


Elementary Education and Teaching | Special Education and Teaching


This research study seeks to determine the effects of implementing variations of the repeated reading strategy with fourth and fifth graders with special needs when reading informational text. The purpose of this study was to teach students new techniques to improve word accuracy and comprehension and to better inform instruction. Four students in a multiple disabled self-contained classroom participated in this five week study. In addition to base-line data that was collected, data on timed repeated reading, paired repeated reading, listening-while-reading repeated reading, and vocabulary instruction prior to repeated reading was also analyzed. An interest inventory measured students' reading motivation prior to and after the study procedure. The results showed that vocabulary instruction prior to repeated reading yielded the greatest improvement in word accuracy and comprehension overall. However, reading-while-listening yielded the greatest improvement in answering inference-based questions. Timed repeated reading yielded the least growth in terms of word accuracy. According the interest inventory, student's interest in reading decreased as a result of implementing the repeated reading strategy. However, anecdotal notes taken during the study suggest otherwise. Overall, students' word accuracy and comprehension benefitted from the use of the repeated reading strategy.
